Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some Simple and Quick Cafe World Tips to Make You Be a Top Cafe Owner

Becoming a great chef in Cafe World is easy if you have a good guide. To even begin to be able to complete your task of becoming a top cafe owner, you need to make sure you have a solid understanding of just what it is you need to do to dominate Cafe World. Becoming a success in this game means practicing several techniques to play at the top of your game. Here are three simple techniques everyone should follow when playing Cafe World.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you should really take some time to plan ahead and select the recipes that will deliver the highest profit. Knowing which food gives you the highest return on investment is the first step to creating a profitable cafe. A good example of this is the Bacon Cheeseburger. While it's humble and simple, it has a very short preparation time, and combined with its low cost, is an incredibly profitable choice. The math demonstrates that it will earn over 264 coins per hour. Basically you need to be preparing meals which offer the highest percent ROI.

Cooking is only half of the game and you'll need to be there once its ready so that your wait staff can serve it. It can be very depressing to return too late and discover that all your dishes spoiled. You've just wasted time, food and money. If you don't spend a lot of time on Facebook or can't return frequently, choose dishes that have a long cooking time, because these also allow for the most time before spoiling. If you have the flexibility to return to the game often, go for shorter dishes to get better ROI.

This leads into the third Cafe World guide tip of doing some research and finding out which foods can be cooked quickly and which ones take some time before they are ready to be served. Knowing all of this helps you plan ahead and make sure you're reducing the risk of spoiling. As noted before, you really want to avoid food spoilage. This will make sure you are earning coins and on the right path to being a top cafe owner.

Curious to know the best recipies in the game? Take a look at this detailed Guide to Recipes in Cafe World.

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